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Term Papers on Legal and Government

How The Simpsons Affects Kids
Number of words: 2512 - Number of pages: 10

.... in Hell. Groening chose not to do so in fear of loosing royalties from papers that printed the strip. Groening presented Brooks with an overweight, balding father, a mother with a blue beehive hairdo, and three obnoxious spiky haired children. Groening intended for them to represent the typical American family "who love each other and drive each other crazy". Groening named the characters after his own family. His parents were named Homer and Margaret and he had two younger sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was an anagram for "brat". Groening chose the last nam .....

Number of words: 246 - Number of pages: 1

.... solution to problems that many American couples have. Most of these problems could easily be avoided if both individuals would communicate with each other. Communication is used to help let opinions about certain subjects be known. Counseling is the best way to get feelings about topics that are of concern out in the open. Counseling does not only help marriages; it also helps people to relieve stress from ordinary and not-so-ordinary life. Many people have counselors, or psychologists, to help them resolve issues about themselves and others. Psychology is not used only for speaking about certain problem .....

Loss Of Freedom Through Apathy
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4

.... I was excited to work for the Democrats because it was my first ever experience involved with the election. For 17 years I stood as a common bystander to this great American tradition. Volunteering my hours made me feel like I was part of something important. Mostly my work consisted of random polling. I would call people up between the hours of 7 and 9 P.M. and ask them a few questions about the election. With every call I hoped for the best, but it seemed that I was calling people at the time they were most irritable. Most would simply hang up, .....

Josef Mengele
Number of words: 1398 - Number of pages: 6

.... on the track for days until all the many trains which had come before were unloaded. After this hellish journey, the first thing that people saw was , the angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls. was a doctor at Auschwitz, he performed experiments, made selections, and is responsible for sending thousands of people to the crematorium. As a person he was "split", one side of him was the heartless, uncaring, medical-atrocities side, while the other was a .....

Number of words: 341 - Number of pages: 2

.... do something for their pain rather than taking the easy way out and resulting to death. People that have had someone like Dr. Jack Kevorkian assist in their death are crying out for help, they are allowing death to be their last measure to result to in life. activists are allowing people to believe that it is an acceptable solution to result to when life gets you down. How can an individual solve a problem by getting rid of the people to whom the problems happen? Overall, people that wish to end their own life as a result to are not in their true mental sta .....

Desensitized America
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3

.... other day we hear instances of this type of horror. Obviously the one that stands out in my mind is the Columbine tragedy, but in between the huge stories, are the instances that are just as tragic but get less press. So many times we hear of children bringing guns to school, teens that play around with guns that don’t belong to them, and someone gets hurt or even dies. In the summer before I was in eighth grade a boy in the class ahead of me was killed by a gun when he and his cousin were having target practice. I cannot even remember the details of that trag .....

Lincoln's Battle With His Cabinet
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3

.... Lincoln's secretary of state, William H. Seward, clearly considered himself the President's superior, and blandly offered to assume the executive responsibility. He entered the cabinet with the thought of becoming the power behind the Presidential chair and openly opposed Lincoln's control of the Union. This made Lincoln's position as Chief of State exceedingly difficult and hindered his communication and control of the military. As time passed, however, Seward recognized Lincoln's capabilities and gave him complete loyalty (Simmons 174). This cou .....

The Inequality Of American Jus
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4

.... defend him. When the Florida trial court denies his request, [Gideon] represents himself, and is convicted. From prison, [Gideon] sends a hand-written note to the Supreme Court asking it to hear his case. …Abe Fortas [is appointed] to argue Gideon’s case, and then [the Court] rules that the Sixth Amendment guarantees indigent defendants the assistance of a lawyer in all serious criminal trials. On retrial, with a lawyer paid for by the states, Gideon is acquitted. (63) The Gideon v. Wainwright may not appear to support the previous statement: "Absent race and c .....

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