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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2

.... most popular watched sport in America, NBA basketball, is played by over 87% of the African decent. Nevertheless, racism is still a issue that will never completely go away. Ageism is also a worrying problem in our society. Though many people think that this is not a serious problem, people are being harassed about their age everyday, whether they are "too young" or "too old". I have dealt with this problem myself, as many other teenagers have. When I walk into some stores, I am asked to leave my purse at the counter and I am often followed around by employees. .....

Hate Crimes Should Not Be Puni
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3

.... going to grieve, and someone must be punished" (Staff editorial 1). Whether a person is killed for money or drugs or out of hate or prejudice, the fact still remains that he or she has been killed. With hate crime laws, the hate is being looked at, more so than the crime itself. Even though hate is a terrible thing to have in your heart, all Americans have the right to hate whatever or who ever they want (Hudson 1). Besides, if officials start punishing hate or unholy thoughts, they might as well make a new category of crime- thought crime. If this line of th .....

Prop. 209
Number of words: 408 - Number of pages: 2

.... of affirmative action programs for women and minorities that the government runs. It will save $125 million annually by elemating programs that the state uses to inforce affirmative action. These savings can be used for other, more constructive programs to help elimate discrimination. Maybe other Propositions on the ballet can use the extra funds. I think that ending affirmative action will be the right thing to do. It ends government-sponsored discrimination by rejecting quotas, preferences and set-asides. My brother had a run in with affirmative act .....

Women And The Canadian Welfare State: The Decline Of Social Welfare And Its Effects On Women
Number of words: 3118 - Number of pages: 12

.... energies and resources on combatting recession, labour market restructuring, and the deficit. The transformation and "reform" of the welfare state has huge implications on the lives of many women, and not only those who are dependent on welfare for their livelihood. Welfare, especially women's welfare, encompasses a very broad category; at present all safeguards given by women by various government agencies according to their sphere of responsibility and the concept of equality of the sexes can be considered women's welfare measures. The Canadian welfare stat .....

Gun Control
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3

.... Number of other teen murders by other means has remained the same Montgomery, 96' (Knight-Ridder, July 8) "Noting that the number of gang murders by juviniles has tripled since 1980 while the number of teen murders by all other means has stayed the same." C. Black Market is a great sorce of gun trading Munsey, 96' (Christopher, March 31) "Firearms stolen from residents and gun stores are the number one outlet for for criminals. 'They are traded on the street in the brisk black-market whirl that includes drugs & cash.' state police said. D. Gu .....

Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
Number of words: 1077 - Number of pages: 4

.... the punishment of stoning to death, the stones should not be so large that the person dies on being hit by one or two of them."1 This is the kind of cruelty which is inflicted on the executed in those countries. Other methods of execution, like the electric chair and hanging, are also quite cruel to the convicted. That is one of the reasons the death penalty should be abolished. Does the death penalty really deter criminals? There is very little valid evidence to suggest that capital punishment deters criminals. The most recent study of research findings o .....

Clinton Administration Policy Toward The Caribbean Country Of Haiti
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3

.... new regime brought back "death squads" killing people who opposed the new leaders. One of the main targets of the Clinton policy is a group called the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti of FRAPH. The administration has targeted this group for their continued backing and support of General Cedras, for their human rights violations. Issues of , refugee's illegally trying to enter the United States creating an economic burden on much of south Florida. All of these issues arose during president Bush's term in office. The Bush administration was .....

Term Limits For Legislators
Number of words: 3060 - Number of pages: 12

.... and usually make Congress their career. What has developed in recent years, in response to congressional careerism, is the drive to impose limits on the length of time someone may serve in Congress. Currently, advocates of term limits are calling for two terms in the Senate, and three in the House. It is possible, then, for a member to serve six years in the House, twelve years in the Senate, eight years as Vice President, and eight years as President, a total of thirty-six years. It is not unlikely, therefore, that there will continue to be career politic .....

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