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Term Papers on Science

How Low Self-esteem Effects Anorexia
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5

.... what the exact cause of anorexia is. Many factors play a role, including self-esteem. Children need to be showed love and caring in order to gain the appropriate levels of self-esteem. Anorexia is a big issue in society today. Girls and boys are developing anorexic symptoms as young as age five. While anorexia can be detected in boys, girls, men, and/or women of all ages, “the most common ages of onset [remains] between thirteen and twenty-two.”(Levenkron,1) Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. People who devel .....

Lyme Disease
Number of words: 2971 - Number of pages: 11

.... that most of the affected children lived near wooded areas likely to harbor ticks. They also found that the children's first symptoms typically started in the summer months coinciding with the height of the tick season. Several of the patients interviewed reported having a skin rash just before developing their arthritis, and many also recalled being bitten by a tick at the rash site. Further investigations resulted in the discovery that tiny deer ticks infected with a spiral-shaped bacterium or spirochete (which was later named Borrelia burgdorferi) were res .....

Aurora Borealis 2
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4

.... poles. WHAT CAUSES AN AURORA? For many years, the ideas about what causes an aurora were left to old legends and unsubstantiated theories. The inuit believed that the northern lights were the spirits of dead relatives, dancing around in the sky, while the Vikings believed that they were caused by a fire on the edge of the world. In the fourteenth century, Aristotle described the auroras as jumping goats caused by the earth=s vapours being set on fire by meteors. Later on, in 1707, a Norwegian physicist claimed that they were caused by steam and smoke that esc .....

Alcoholism 3
Number of words: 1209 - Number of pages: 5

.... absorbs and metabolizes alcohol. The higher the alcohol content of the beverage consumed, the more alcohol will enter the bloodstream. The amount and type of food in the stomach also affect the absorption rate. Drinking when the stomach is filled is less intoxicating than when it is empty; the foods in the stomach, which contain fat and protein, delay alcohol absorption. Body weight is also a factor; the heavier the person, the slower the absorption of alcohol. After alcohol passes through the stomach, it is rapidly absorbed through the walls of the intestines .....

Hemophilia 3
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3

.... stop codons, and a severe expression of the disorder, or missense mutations which cause milder forms of the disorder. In some cases the disorder can also result from spontaneous mutations, but this is less common. The gene for hemophilia-A is located at Xq28 while the gene for hemophilia-B is located at Xq27.1-q27.2. There are about thirty other disorders associated with the Xq28 area including manic depression and favism. This must indicate that Xq28 includes many different genes which have not yet been isolated. The primary symptom of hemophilia is uncontrolle .....

How Various Mechanisms By Which Substances Cross The Cell Me
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4

.... Where this is a pressure gradient there is motion of molecules. The pressure gradient is a difference in pressure between two different points. If the concentration of one side of the membrane is greater than the molecules will travel from the higher to lower concentration. Eventually there will be a dynamic equilibrium and there will be no net movement of molecules from one side to the other. Osmosis is the diffusion of water. Like diffusion, the water moves from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential. Solu .....

Disaster Spills Across Bhopal
Number of words: 887 - Number of pages: 4

.... Isocyanate (MIC), a chemical used in pesticides and very lethal to humans (Leonard, 3). Around 11:00 p.m., a worker noted that heat and pressure were building in a tank and called for assistance, but by then it was too late. At 12:56 a.m., the morning of December 3rd, a faulty valve ruptured, allowing the deadly gas to escape into the atmosphere and cause a huge vapor puff to fall onto silent, sleeping Bhopal (Cush, 30). Before the release of 40 tons of MIC, Bhopal was a prospering city. The population was growing to about 700,000 people. In India large .....

Evidence Of Technological Change
Number of words: 1850 - Number of pages: 7

.... and the hypotheses that the recent technological change has shifted the relative demand for skilled labor to the right. Changes in production techniques have widened across the country quickly, especially the multinational firms. Thus, if technological change is an important determinant of relative demand shifts, one would expect to observe patterns in other industrialized countries similar to those in the United States. Some of the recent studies report results for a variety of old industrialized (OECD) countries that are indeed consistent with the U.S. r .....

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