Term Papers on Science
Klinefelter Syndrome
Number of words: 912 - Number of pages: 4.... number of 46. This extra sex (X) chromosome causes the distinctive make-up of these boys. All men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, but sometimes a variation will result in a male with an extra X. This is and is often written as 47,XXY. There are other, less common variations such as 48,XXYY; 48,XXXY; 49,XXXXY; and XY/XXY mosaic. All of these are considered variants.
The major effect of the extra X chromosome in boys with seems to be the function of the testes. The testes produce the major male sex hormone testosterone and the amount of this hor .....
Ants, Little But Mighty
Number of words: 1728 - Number of pages: 7.... eaten by the queen for nourishment. When the surviving
eggs hatch they become like larvae. After a few weeks each
larva spins a cocoon around itself and pupates. In a few
more weeks, adult workers emerge. It is their job to hunt
for food and make the nest bigger.
More workers will develop and the colony gets very
organized. The new workers will completely take over as
caretakers of the eggs, larvae, and pupae. Now the queens
only duty is to lay more and more eggs, thousands of them
in her lifetime. Many wingless workers develop and help to
enlarge .....
Mycardial Infarction
Number of words: 1420 - Number of pages: 6.... chest which may radiate to the left arm and shoulder. Other symptoms may include restlessness and confusion; the skin may be cold and clammy, dyspnea, cyanosis, a drop in blood pressure, and a drop in body temperature. A rapid and irregular pulse may also be a sign of a resent MI.
In the beginning of the twentieth century, bedrest was the only thing that could be done for heart attacks. Then nitroglycerin was found to restore coronary circulation and relieve the pain. Digitalis was found effective for treating abnormal heart rhythms and diuretics were found eff .....
Hard Drive Evolution
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4.... disk drives. The first 5.25-inch hard disk drives packed 5 to 10 MB of storage, the equivalent of 2,500 to 5,000 pages of double-spaced typed information, into a device the size of a small shoebox. At the time, a storage capacity of 10 MB was considered too large for a so-called "personal" computer.
The first PCs used removable floppy disks as storage devices almost exclusively. The term "floppy" accurately fit the earliest 8-inch PC diskettes and the 5.25-inch diskettes that succeeded them. The inner disk that holds the data usually is made of Mylar and coated .....
Environmental Satire
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... our plentiful and gluttonous lifestyles.
Lets face it. We as humans waste countless hours of our lives worrying about the future. Whether it’s asteroids or Y2K, it’s always something. It is said that in the future, with global warming, temperatures outdoors will be too hot to survive in. But what is the future? Is the future tomorrow, maybe next month, or next century? The fact is by the time all of the problems that we worry about surface, we will have been dead for hundreds of years. We’ll be safe somewhere in the afterlife with our .....
Doublespeak: Nuclear Power Plants
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... is no possibility of a major accident.
They take the public's biggest fears, meltdowns and contaminations, and make
them into "events" and "infiltrations." This use of doublespeak is misleading to
the public and may make them believe that a major accident hasn't happened, or
the accident was a normal event or minor incident.
In 1979 a valve in the Three Mile Island stuck open, allowing coolant,
an important part of the plant, to escape from the reactor. An installed
emergency system did its job and supplied the reactor with necessary coolant,
but the system .....
Global Warming A Serious Threa
Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4.... places. But not only is it that "warm temperatures can increase air and water pollution, which in turn harm human health" (ESP Health 1). The hot temperature, which could be the most direct effect of climate change, causes the heat problem. Because their cardiovascular system has to work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather. The temperature causes harmful effects to human health and another is cause of lung problem. "Higher air temperatures also increases the concentration of ozone at ground level". When this happens, the harmful ultraviolet .....
Involvement Of K+ In Leaf Movements During Suntracking
Number of words: 2307 - Number of pages: 9.... from the normal to the sun. Many plants that exhibit
diaheliotropic movements also show paraheliotropic response as well.
Paraheliotropism minimizes water loss by reducing the amount of light absorbed
by the leaves; the leaves orient themselves parallel to the sun’s rays. Plants
that exhibit paraheliotropic behavior usually do so at midday, when the sun’s
rays are perpendicular to the ground. This reorientation takes place only in
leaves of plants that are capable of nastic light-driven movements, such as the
trifoliate leaf of Erythrina spp. (Herbert 1984) .....