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Term Papers on Science

The Effects Of Over-Population On The Earth's Water Supply
Number of words: 1100 - Number of pages: 4

.... water supplies are taxed to the limit? The subject of over-population encompasses many areas of study. Some examples are health, food, pollution and fresh water. The underlying link between all of these areas is water. The following four articles reveal that the water supplies that we all depend on are being used at an unsustainable rate. There is not enough fresh water on this planet for current growth rates to continue. The Public Broadcasting Company has posted on the Internet a timeline detailing the Earth's population at different years. According to t .....

Human Evolution In Africa
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4

.... primates spread throughout the world once more. Some returned to North America, only to be wiped out by rodents already living there. Others spread to Europe and the Middle East. By this time, Africa had just split from marsupial overrun Gondwanaland. About a million years later it reached the Middle East, and primates moved in. By now the world had cooled enough that the primates in Europe had been decimated to near extinction. They also migrated south, for the Mediterranean Sea was at that time dry lowland. Now almost all of the primates left in the .....

Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3

.... in the form of products like Raid, and ant traps. are dangerous to our environment, but in most cases they help more than they hurt. For example, it is estimated that the food supply would reduce by forty to fifty percent without the use of on our crops. The FDA, EPA, and the Department of Agriculture try to ensure that the use of is necessary to the extent in which they actually are used by performing studies and proposing bills and laws to Congress. There is no dispute that are harmful. The purpose of is to kill certain fungi, plants, and even anima .....

Effects Of Secondhand Smoke
Number of words: 314 - Number of pages: 2

.... form Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) if their mothers smoke during pregnancy. Ear infection, coughs, sore throat and even cancer can also develop if children are expose to secondhand smoke. With all these harmful to children, there are ways to protect them from it. First, as a parent, don’t smoke. If you are a smoker, quit! If you can’t, don’t smoke in your house, in the car or near your children. Have a permanent place outside the house just for smoking purposes only. Make sure that your child's day-care, school or playgrounds are smoke free. Educate eve .....

Cloning 2
Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4

.... splitting of a single embryo. Members of a clone are genetically identical and genetic identity has given cloning an additional more technical meaning: namely the procedures used to create a new organism whose genetic constitution is a replica of another existing individual. Such a feat can be achieved by substituting the nucleus, which contains the genes, from one of the cells making up that individual's body, for the nucleus of a fertilised egg. Since our genes dictate to a large extent what we look like, how we behave and what we can and cannot do, .....

Gold And Its Uses
Number of words: 2573 - Number of pages: 10

.... into a wire five miles long. Gold's malleability is also unparalleled. It can be shaped or extended into extraordinarily thin sheets. For example, one ounce of gold can be hammered into a 100 square foot sheet. Gold is the most reflective and least absorptive material of infrared (or heat) energy. High purity gold reflects up to 99% of infrared rays. Gold is also an excellent conductor of thermal energy or heat. Since many electronic processes create heat, gold is necessary to transfer heat away from delicate instruments. Gold alloy is the most tenacious and l .....

Number of words: 4241 - Number of pages: 16

.... other fields of study. For all industries and professions, "Fiber optics allow huge amounts of voice, data and video imagery to be transmitted instantaneously, allowing for photographic-quality images, interactive video conferencing and other business multimedia uses" (Inman News Features 1). It's becoming possible to transmit audio, video and data signals over great distances using these fibers of pure glass or plastic. Today, fiber optic technology has almost become a necessity in everyday business. Because fiber optics can simultaneously transmit two audio si .....

Bacteria And Their Effects
Number of words: 291 - Number of pages: 2

.... are good for recycling because they feed on dying material and convert it back into basic substances.Without decomposition the food chain would cease.Bacteria also helps in the breakdown on rocks which influences the movement of key elements,such as,sulfur,iron,phosphorus,and carbon,around the world.Bacteria are the main digesters of cellulose within cows and other animals.Bacteria are used in the making of dairy products.Without bacteria the dairy industry would not exist.Bacteria are also helpful in sewage treatment.These certain bacterias convert the organic materials of sewage into carbon .....

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