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Term Papers on Science

Does Life Exist On Mars
Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2

.... have ever existed in this solar system apart from on earth. I do see the possibility that maybe other solar systems is our solar system in history which is an interesting thought. Just because NASA has found a single cell living creature in a meteorite doesn't prove anything in my mind. Especially because of the fact that it has been on earth for 12 years when over this time the cell could have attached itself to the meteorite. Nobody knows enough about the subject to start telling the public that this is true, they should have never released it unless it we .....

Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4

.... concerning the chemistry of gold and silver to be burned in order to stop such experiments. Zosimus the Theban (about AD 250-300) discovered that sulfuric acid is a solvent of metals, and he liberated oxygen from the red oxide of mercury. The fundamental concept of stemmed from the Aristotelian doctrine that all things tend to reach perfection. Because other metals were thought to be less "perfect" than gold, it was reasonable to assume that nature formed gold out of other metals deep within the earth and that with sufficient skill and diligence an artisan coul .....

Apollo 13 (AS-508): Houston, We Have A Problem.
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3

.... shorts in the fan circuit ignited the wire insulation, causing temperature and pressure to increase within cryogenic oxygen tank 2. When pressure reached the cryogenic oxygen tank 2 relief valve full-flow conditions of 1008 psi, the pressure began decreasing for about 9 seconds, at which time the relief valve probably reseated, causing the pressure to rise again momentarily. About a quarter of a second later, a vibration disturbance was noted on the command module accelerometers. The next series of events occurred within a fraction of a second between the .....

Should The Harris Superquarry Go Ahead?
Number of words: 2034 - Number of pages: 8

.... development? Could an integrated approach be adopted and a 2nd generation quarry planned? The decision of whether or not to go ahead cannot be delayed indefinitely as Norway and Spain are looking at developing their own. If it is to go ahead then an early start will give Harris a stronger position in the market. 2 INTRODUCTION This report examines the controversy and key issues surrounding the superquarry at Rodel, Lingerbay on the southern coast of the Isle of Harris (Figure 1) and attempts to find an acceptable solution. The quarry will hollow out t .....

Number of words: 362 - Number of pages: 2

.... after they swim for extended periods of time. As mentioned above chloroform can be produced which can be used for anesthesia. Also dichloromethane, or paint stripper and 1,2-dichloroethane which is a dry cleaning fluid. Here is a sample reaction where a halogen replaces a hydrogen. CH4(g) + C12(g) ----> CH3Cl(g) + HCl(g) There are many uses for alkanes, for instance: Propane is used in gas grills, butane is used in cigarette lighters, through various reactions scientists can make paint stripper, anesthesia or dry cleaning fluid. The Pentanes and He .....

Effects Of Drugs On Pregnet Women
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4

.... risk factor in fetal growth retardation. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is also associated with genetic defects as well as an increased incidence of congenital malformations such as cleft palates, microcephalus, and clubfoot. Mothers who smoke one pack a day during pregnancy have an 85% increased risk of having a child with mental retardation. Mothers that smoke during their pregnancy have double the chance of having a child with behavural problems. Another one of the biggest factors that disrupts fetal growth and development is alcohol. This is a very .....

The Problem With The Amount Of Trash In The United States
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2

.... is getting higher and higher each year and we need to put a stop to this. Trash is not a problem far from us, it is right here in our community. People are throwing things on the floor all the time and recycling has not been done as much as it should be. In New York city we have one of the world’s most largest and most crowded landfills which is proven in the article. Fresh Kills landfill, on Staten Island is extremely big but will be closed in a few years. I New York State there were 1600 landfills in the 1960’s and today the figure is in the hundreds. .....

Asthma 2
Number of words: 447 - Number of pages: 2

.... children before adulthood. In one form of asthma, called intrinsic asthma, however, the attacks become less frequent and less severe, but recovery between them is less complete. The bronchi in such patients become chronically narrowed, causing a progressive loss of capacity for physical exertion. The prevalence of asthma is only about 1 or 2 percent worldwide but varies greatly from country to country. In the United States, asthma affects about 6.9 percent of children. Typically, an asthma attack begins within minutes after exposure to a triggering agent. S .....

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