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Term Papers on Science

Genetic Variations
Number of words: 751 - Number of pages: 3

.... captive born nenes into the wild. This program, once a success, is now causing chaos in the nene population. A single pair of nenes were taken from the wild and bred in captivity. Later two more birds were added. The chicks were released into the wild and the program continued. Though there are several dozen nenes released from captivity, there is still little increase in the wild population. The inbreeding between birds is not allowing for any genetic diversity to occur between them. It is also causing captive-bred birds to lay eggs that don't produce chic .....

Number of words: 1583 - Number of pages: 6

.... the twentieth century are not the only living beings of our kind in the cosmos. Because no alienspar from another planet is on display in a museum for us to visit, the answer, "our earth is the only planet with human beings," still seems to be legitimate and convincing. But that is a very narrow-minded way to look at things. The idea that life can flourish only under terrestrial conditions has been made obsolete by research. It is a mistake to believe that life cannot exist without water and oxygen. Even on our own earth there are forms of life that need n .....

Project Mercury
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3

.... There names, Lieutenant M. Scott Carpenter; Air Force Captains L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., Virgil “ Gus” Grissom, and Donald K. “Deke” Slayton; Marine Lieutenant Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr.; and Navy Lieutenant commanders Walter M. Schirra, Jr., and Alan B. Shepard, Jr. Of these, all flew in Project Mercury except Deke Slayton who was grounded for medical reasons. He later became an American crewmember of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. The Mercury module was a bell shaped craft. Its base measured exactly 74.5 inches wide and it was nine feet tall. For its boost .....

Geothermal Energy
Number of words: 4686 - Number of pages: 18

.... In the beginning when the solar system was young, the earth was still forming, things were very different. A great mass of elements swirled around a dense core in the middle. As time went on the accumulation elements with similar physical properties into hot bodies caused a slow formation of a crystalline barrier around the denser core. Hot bodies consisting of iron were attracted to the core with greater force because they were more dense. These hot bodies sunk into and became part of the constantly growing core. Less dense elements were pushed towards .....

Lyra-the Star
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3

.... is legendary you will have no problem finding this legendary star. Al-Waki or "The Falling" is the Arabic name for Vega, to the Greeks Lyra belonged to Orpheus who animated and inanimate objects and even the Lord of Death with his music. But most interesting of all in India it is also called Abhijit in Rg Veda and is associated with the creator. Yes, to the Hindu religion Abhijit is an infinitely important character recorded as the "the Truth of 12,000 years B.C." in the Mahabharat. Mahrshi Vyras recorded, in a section called Vana Parva, a dialog between Indra .....

Influence Of Influenza
Number of words: 926 - Number of pages: 4

.... has no effect on inhibitting the viral growth of Pneumonia influenza, Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza, Corona and respitory synctial viruses. This also eliminated the disease obviously effecting the respitory tract and the child's neurology (lethargy and malaise) form being bacterial or fungal, which is common amongst young children. A number of viruses cause respitory illness similar to the common cold, but are much more severe in intensity and wit frequently serious, and even fatal, complications. The best known of the group is Influenza (flu) virus. It .....

Number of words: 291 - Number of pages: 2

.... with the flow of lymphatic fluid away from these tissues. The most frequently affected part is the leg. The most common cause of lymphatic obstruction is filaries. Filaries is caused chiefly by the species Wuchereria. When you have wherever it is located your skin will become rough and thickened like the skin of an elephant. Over 1 billion people in 73 countries are at risk of getting elephantiasis, and there are over 120 million people who already have it. New research has determined that albendazole, which has already become a standard treatment to fight intestinal parasites, is 99 .....

Early Health And Medicine
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2

.... to a series of new remedies and discoveries. Some of these would include pasteurized milk(you can see where it received it's name), bacteria, fermentation, yeast, and rabies:to name a few. Within a year of Pasteur's remedy for rabies, he treated and cured maore than 2,000 patients. A German pathologist named Robert Kock (1843-1910) studied a disease called diptheria. Koch learned htat diptheria bacteria or bacilli could only be found in samples from a patients throat. Although Koch could not understand how diptheria was somehow affecting the victim's heart. F .....

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