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Term Papers on Science

Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2

.... ½ of all cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to an ectopic pregnancy in pregnant women, is caused by . Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of death of pregnant teens in the inner city and poor neighborhoods. also causes conjunctitis. This is a swelling of the eyes which can lead to blindness. The bacteria also can lead to pneumonia. Although it is the most easily treated STI, most people in danger won’t get checked until complications show, and that is why the disease is spread so much. It takes about three weeks for most people to s .....

Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2

.... wave has now completed a single cycle. It has passed through the tube four times making the closed tube, one fourth the length of a sound wave. By a continuous sound frequency, standing waves are produced in the tube. This creates a pure tone. We can use this knowledge of one fourth wavelength to create our own demonstration. It does not only have to be done using wind, but can also be demonstrated using tuning forks. If the frequency of the tuning forks is known, then v=f(wavelength) can find you the length of your air column. Using a tuning .....

Breast Cancer
Number of words: 1960 - Number of pages: 8

.... steps of are unknown, the cells in the breast trigger a reaction of cell reproduction. These new cancer cells form tumors. If cancer cells are active or are considered malign, the tumor grows at tremendous speeds, and may end up in metastasis. Metastasis is a complex process in which cells break away from their primary tumors, and via the blood supply or through the lymph system relocate into other organs, thus spreading cancer throughout the body if left untreated. Generally, if a lump is smaller than one centimeter, it is considered benign, although ever .....

American Crocodile
Number of words: 2518 - Number of pages: 10

.... areas provide the perfect climate for these endangered species that have roamed the earth for over 200 million years. Florida is known for its large population of American alligators, which are often confused for the rare American crocodile. However, there are vast differences between the two species. Hunted for their hides and the changing of their habitat to beach front property is slowly pushing the American crocodile out of Florida, the only place it is found in the United States. ¡§For 190 million years before the first humans evolved, huge populatio .....

The Element Cesium
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2

.... and ignite this metal. Another major reaction of Cesium occurs with water and ice. Ice with a temperature as low as -177 degrees Fahrenheit can trigger a vigorous reaction. Because Cesium reacts so violently with organic compounds, it is considered the most reactive of Alkali metals. There are four principle compounds that make up Cesium’s structure: Cesium Chloride, Cesium Fluoride, Cesium Carbonate, and Cesium Sulfate. The most important compound is Chloride, which is used as a constituent of getter mixtures of vacuum tubes. Cesium is identified qualitativel .....

Everglade Dilemma
Number of words: 265 - Number of pages: 1

.... features present at the same time. Modern life is still effected by the different environmental factors and systems that occur worldwide. Each system reaction causes and equal and opposite reaction in an another system. This cause and effect is demonstrated by many of the earth's environmental systems. Deep in the heart of Florida lies a natural resource known as the everglades. This particular system is extremely complex and one that follows the action-reaction principle. Both the correct environmental features, as well as the right rock layers and substrates created the everglades. Geology and th .....

Number of words: 2101 - Number of pages: 8

.... of the eye. After passing over the eye, the liquid from the gland is drained into the nose through the tear duct at the inner corner of the eye. Heavy laughter or crying causes muscles in the upper eyelid to squeeze the lachrymal gland. This produces tears that flow too fast to be drained away. The eyelashes catch many flying particles that otherwise would enter the eye. As further protection, the eyelids automatically close when an object suddenly moves close to the eye. The eye is made of 3 coats, or tunics. The outermost coat consists of the cornea and t .....

Genetic Engenering -4
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4

.... plant and human body parts so that they are exactly identical to each other. For example, in May of 1998, scientists successfully cloned a calf using a new cloning technology that could make it possible to create "designer" cattle. Also, in June of 1998, there was talk about having successfully cloned a mouse swept through the scientific community(Nash 3). These are just a few of many times scientists have cloned an animal. These are the many things science has brought fourth and we need to take advantage of them. After studying both sides of the issue, .....

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