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Agent Orange
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3

.... repeatedly. Their lives revolved around the 55-gallon drums, which once were filled with an extremely harmful herbicide. Unaware of the possible consequences, many soldiers built showers and hibachis out of these discarded drums (Doyle, 139). They also used the barren drums to store potatoes and watermelons (Doyle, 139). One man described to his wife how they would bathe and swim in water contaminated with because their superior said it was safe (Brooks, 2). “After the LZ was sprayed, we walked around the perimeter, strung barbed wire all around it, and .....

Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4

.... size, low density, and corresponding extensive atmospheres. Current models of the interior indicate that below the relatively thin opaque cloud layer is an extensive, clear hydrogen-helium atmosphere. Data on the internal heat flux, the detailed gravity field, and the observed upper-atmosphere hydrogen-helium ratio satisfy a model of the interior where the ratio of hydrogen to helium decreases with depth. The gas density gradually increases downward and the gas transforms into a liquid. Further down the pressures increase to a critical level, and there the hydr .....

Lead And The Environment
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4

.... versatility, as well as its physical and chemical properties, accounted for its extensive use. Lead can be rolled into sheets which can be made into rods and pipes. It can also be molded into containers and mixed with other metallic elements. Lead was used in ancient times for making coinage, art objects and water pipes. One of the first known toxic substances, lead was used by the Romans for lining aqueducts and in glazes on containers used for food and wine storage; and it is suspected to have resulted in widespread lead poisoning. Members of the famous Fra .....

Number of words: 359 - Number of pages: 2

.... were caused by a center of positive charge that contained most of the atom's mass (the nucleus). He also explained that the particles that went straight through the foil did so because the atom is mostly empty space and that the distance between electrons and the nucleus is vast compared to the size of the nucleus itself. In 1919, he discovered the "artificial disintegration" of nitrogen. His experiments show that under alpha radiation, nitrogen is decomposed and hydrogen is formed. Rutherford also devised an electrical method for counting the number .....

Effects Of Deforestation
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3

.... natural habitat that occur on the fringes of fragmented forests. The effects for the animals include greater exposure to the elements (wind, rain etc…), other non-forest animals and humans (Dunbar, 1993). This unnatural extinction of species endangers the world's food supply, threatens many human resources and has profound implications for biological diversity. Another negative environmental impact of deforestation is that it causes climate changes all over the world. As we learned in elementary school, plant life is essential to life on earth as it produces m .....

Mononucleosis 2
Number of words: 1151 - Number of pages: 5

.... mono came about in 1958 by Burkitt. There were some cases in Africa of young children having tumors in their jaw and dying even when the tumor was removed. He later found out that the patients were coming from areas highly infested with mosquitoes, so they figured that the mosquitoes were related. The mosquitoes were carrying a virus in the herpes family, which was later called Epstein-Barr virus. This virus was later revealed to be linked with mono. (6) Anyone can get mono but it is most common in teens and young adults, mostly high school and college stud .....

Triceratops Hottidus: “Horrible Three-horned Face”
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2

.... Age of Reptiles . It was among the last of the dinosaur species evolve before the Cretaceous- Tertiary extinction 65 million years ago. BEHAVIOR: Triceratops was probably a herding animal, like the other Cartesians. This hypothesis is supported by the fining of bone beds, large deposits of bones of the same species in am area. Triceratops hatched from eggs, which may have been cared for by adults. Which threatened by predators, Triceratops probably changed into its enemy, like the modern-day rhinoceros does. This was probably a very effective defense. .....

Pulmonary Agents
Number of words: 2323 - Number of pages: 9

.... (CG) per year for industrial uses; however, we do not stockpile this agent for military use. Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) is a toxic pyrolysis product of tetrafluoroethylene polymers encountered in military materiel (e.g., Teflon7, found in the interior of many military vehicles). The oxides of nitrogen (NOxs) are components of blast weapons or may be toxic decomposition products. Smokes, e.g., HC, contain toxic compounds that cause the same effects as phosgene does. The remainder of this chapter will deal solely with phosgene because it is the prototype of t .....

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