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Term Papers on Science

Dna And Forensics
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3

.... beneath the fingernails of a victim after a struggle, it can even be found in saliva cells left on a mouthpiece of a telephone after a conversation. DNA is everywhere in a persons body, and can not be replicated. It is unique to every person, but all blood relatives have similar qualities that make them identifiable. (Joe Mickel and John F. Fischer, 1998) DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, and it basically looks like a twisted ladder, or a double helix with rungs or base pairs. Guanine (G), Adenine (A), Thymine (T), and Cytosine (C) are the four bases th .....

Number of words: 1146 - Number of pages: 5

.... modern technology we found that what actually causes is tectonic plates which on average move only two inches per year they are driven by convection currents which is the upward movement of heated particles rising from the earth's molten core. As the plates are driven against each other one will try to and eventually will slip underneath the other. When plates move quickly an earthquake is the result. Before the availability of instruments capable of a quantitative measure of their magnitude, were classified according to their intensity. In 1931 a seism .....

The Superstring Theory
Number of words: 4497 - Number of pages: 17

.... having a rudimentary knowledge of physics, asks, "Can you give me a definition of physics?" The sage rolls his eyes back, and rubs his temples. He replies, "Big or small?" The student baffled by this, prompts again, "Um, physics?" The teacher noticing the ignorance in the room explains, "Physics is split into two major fields: Relativity (Einstein) and Quantum. Thus, they explain big forces in nature and small forces in nature, respectively. They are not cross- applicable." The student, still baffled, persisted, "But if physics explains nature, how is it .....

Number of words: 1045 - Number of pages: 4

.... are sensory memory , short-term , and long-term memory. Sensory memory is the shortest and less extensive of the others. It can hold memory for only an instance (Memory p. 32). Suppose you see a tree , the image of the tree is briefly held by the sensory memory and quickly disappears unless you transfer it to your short-term memory (Rhodes p. 130). The next level is called short-term memory. The image or fact can be held as long as the brain is actively thinking about it (Loftus p. 392). For example , if you look up a number in the phone book and rep .....

Quantum Computing
Number of words: 2038 - Number of pages: 8

.... physics] implications for the nature of reality and the relationship between observer and observed are both subtle and profound. (Barenco)" A description of the world in which an object can apparently be in more than one place at the same time, in which a particle can penetrate a barrier without breaking it, in which something can be both a wave and a particle, and in which widely separated particles can cooperate in an almost psychic fashion, is bound to be both thrilling and bemusing. Niels Bohr, one of the founders of the theory, once remarked that an .....

Number of words: 368 - Number of pages: 2

.... The substrate fits in to this grove, which is the site of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme, or active site. Recent studies of enzyme structure have suggested that the active site is flexible. The binding between and substrate appears to alter the shape of the enzyme. This induces a close fit between the active site and the substrate. It is also believed that this may put some strain on the substrate molecule facilitating the reaction. Another characteristics of are competitive inhibition and non-competitive inhibition. Competitive inhibition is the bindin .....

Cloning 3
Number of words: 507 - Number of pages: 2

.... cloning also raises many ethical and moral issues. Different religious groups regard cloning in different ways, but most agree on one point. Cloning puts the work of God into our own hands. The creation of life then becomes a manufacturing of duplicates instead of a "creative act of God". It is also important to consider the repercussions of cloning on the cloned individual. Numerous psychological problems may arise if a person discovers that he or she was cloned. How would a child feel if they found out that they were created to be used to donate org .....

Number of words: 896 - Number of pages: 4

.... they had already learned. During the 1950’s and 1960’s, people with were isolated and some were sent away to institutions. Today, many of those with can attend school with other children. Methods are available to help improve their social, language, and academic skills. Even though more than 60 percent of adults with continue to need care throughout their lives, some programs are beginning to demonstrate that with appropriate support, they can be trained to do meaningful work and participate in the life of the community. is found in every country and re .....

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