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Term Papers on Science

Hawaiian Goose
Number of words: 361 - Number of pages: 2

.... endured a long struggle against extinction. During the 1940s this species was almost wiped out by laws which allowed the birds to be hunted during their winter breeding seasons when the birds were most vulnerable. By 1957, when the Nene was named the State Bird, rescue efforts were underway. Conservationists began breeding the birds in captivity in hopes of preserving a remnant of the declining population and, someday, successfully re-establishing them in their native habitat. Other programs for returning captive birds to the wild life was difficult, but mor .....

Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2

.... isotopes of technetium, with atomic masses ranging from 90 to 108, are known. 97Tc has a half-life of 2.6 x 10^6 years. 98Tc has a half-life of 4.2 x 10^6 years. The isomeric isotope 95mTc, with a half-life of 61 days, is useful for tracer work, as it produces energetic gamma rays. Technetium metal has been produced in kilogram quantities. The metal was first prepared by passing hydrogen gas at 1100C over Tc2S7. It is now conveniently prepared by the reduction of ammonium pertechnetate with hydrogen. Techne tium is a silvery-gray metal that tarnishes slowly in mo .....

Cryogenics: Is It Worth Waiting For
Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4

.... degrees Celsius--water freezes--to just above negative two hundred and seventy three point sixteen degrees Celsius--absolute zero. The word "Cryogenics" comes from the Greek word “kryos” meaning cold (“Cryogenics” Raintree 127, Kavaler 16). The science of cryobiology was first recognized in the early nineteen sixties. Cryobiology is the study of the effects of extremely low temperatures on living animals and plants. The chief concern in cryobiology is to preserve living matter for future use. This method can also be called cryopreservation. Cryotherapy .....

Cleaning Up After The Exxon Valdez Was A Mistake
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5

.... include waxes and complex, high molecular weight asphaltenes. (Abelson) All of these substances and more are present in Prudhoe Bay crude oil. When ingested, most of the compounds are nontoxic. Notable exceptions are some of the aromatic compounds, including benzene and toluene. After a crude oil is spilled in a marine environment, many processes follow. Typical crude has a density of about 0.85, more or less, and this factor combined with winds, wave action, and currents leads to spreading, which is very rapid during the first 24 hours. During that period most .....

Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2

.... for miles inland. " The mid-Atlantic Ocean impact ranging from 400 meters to 5 kilometers in diameter. This would generate a tsunami that would sweep across the upper East Coast of the United States to the Appalachian Mountains."(Gottschalk 1) The blast of the impact would equal a 300 gigaton blast of T.N.T. Also, 2.4 seconds after impact, a small fireball with a temperature of 5000'C would sweep across long island. A land fall strike would cause total divistation. The asteroid would create a earth trembling impact causing earth quakes around the world. The bin .....

The Lowell Observatory
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3

.... Tourist City of Flagstaff; the observatory looks over the city. You are guided through a tour and experiments, and also are allowed to use the telescopes they have located on Mars Hill. There are a total of nine telescopes, eight which are at the observatory, of these many of them are historic, such as the 24" Clark Refractor that is 102 years old. The Pluto telescope dome and John Vickers McAllister telescope dome, which is 16" long, are also telescopes you would find at Lowell Observatory. The most modern telescope they have there is the Anderson .....

Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2

.... loss of the meteoroid shield, however, this positioning caused workshop temperatures to rise to 126 degrees F. The launch of Skylab 2 was postponed 10 days while NASA engineers developed procedures and trained the crew to make the workshop habitable. At the same time, engineers "rolled" Skylab to lower the temperature of the workshop. Skylab's 2nd manned mission - May 25th to June 22nd Astronauts; Charles Conrad, Jr. Paul J. Weitz Joseph P. Kerwin The crew meats with Skylab on the fifth orbit. After making many repairs, including de .....

Environmental And Genetic Affects And Schizophrenia
Number of words: 3889 - Number of pages: 15

.... medical costs, lost productivity and Social Security pensions is between $30 billion and $48 billion according to Federal figures (American Pychological Association (APA), 1996). There are many theories about the aetiology of schizophrenia, but research has failed to pinpoint the origins. There is evidence that environmental pathogens (for example, viruses) are involved in the causation of schizophrenia. There is also evidence for a role of hereditary influences and obstetric complications on the incidence of schizophrenia. Furthermore, psychological in .....

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