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Term Papers on Science

Aurora Borealis
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2

.... ionizes (creates an electric charge within) the oxygen and nitrogen gas it encounters in the atmosphere, causing it to glow. The flow of plasma from the sun is generally continuos, although it occasionally bursts out of holes in the sun's outermost atmosphere. Massive ejections of plasma have also been shown to accompany solar flares, prominences, and sunspots. It is during these periods of highest solar activity that one is most likely to witness aurorae. The aurora is an ideal subject for the amateur astronomer because no telescope or any other optical appa .....

Alternative Fuel Source
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2

.... hydrocarbon provider necessary for fuel production) to recapture lost markets. This versatility has led people to believe it is the only biomass resource capable of making America energy independent. There is only one catch: the federal government prohibited the growth of hemp in 1938. There were also theories that the major energy industries of the late 30s collaborated to ensure a petroleum-based energy market. Regardless of laws, let us consider hypotheticals. Farmers would be practically guaranteed profit if they could grow hemp for biomass. It also wou .....

Atomic Structure
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4

.... the same object but in different states. Bosons, too, may be this same object but in still another state. The everyday world is made of molecules. Because molecules are so small, their existence was not easy to establish. Indirect evidence for molecules was strong during the second half of the 19th century, and the first explicit evidence was found when Brownian motion was correctly understood and studied in about 1906 by physicists Albert Einstein and Jean-Baptiste Perrin. There are many kinds of molecules, and it was clear that simplifying ideas were needed. .....

Black Holes
Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3

.... energy can be emitted from the ergosphere. According to general relativity, gravitation severely modifies space and time near a black hole. As the horizon is approached from outside, time slows down relative to that of distant observers, stopping completely on the horizon. Once a body has contracted within its Schwarzschild radius, it would theoretically collapse to a singularity—that is, a dimensionless object of infinite density. Formation Black holes may form during the course of stellar evolution. As nuclear fuels are exhausted i .....

New Developments Or Research In Genetic Cloning: Summary
Number of words: 2623 - Number of pages: 10

.... be able to clone a fully functional organ, and replace it with the damaged one. The report on the cloning of the human's morphine receptor is advantageous to us because this helps scientists to develop new analgesics. The third section of the paper contains a brief discussion about the advantages and the disadvantages of genetic cloning. It speculates how our future will improve due to the technologies we are developing, and also the biggest drawbacks which might come from it. The last part of the paper, is the explanation of complicated ter .....

Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2

.... Another composite will be used to fasten together the sections proposed space stations. have also been used in cars, including the Chevrolet Camaro and the Pontiac Fiero. New are being created with more strength and flexibility by combing two chemically different and producing a block copolymer. Combinations of block co and composites and intended for use in booster rockets and in materials of Earth-orbiting installations. Most common are usually solid, but a new class of is being introduced in a liquid crystal state. Although these still have the .....

Number of words: 1303 - Number of pages: 5

.... generated in the process. Two are classified as body waves—that is, they travel through the earth's interior—and the other four are surface waves. The waves are further differentiated by the kinds of motions they impart to rock particles. Primary or compressional waves (P waves) send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling, whereas secondary or transverse shear waves (S waves) impart vibrations perpendicular to their direction of travel. P waves always travel at higher velocities than S waves, so whenever an earthqua .....

Number of words: 592 - Number of pages: 3

.... have failed. Mesons contain a quark and an antiquark, up, down, and strange, while baryons contain three quarks distinguished by flavours. Each has a charge that is a fraction of that of an electron. Up and down quarks make up protons and neutrons, and can be observed in ordinary matter. Strange quarks can be observed in omega-minus and other short lived subatomic particles which play on part in ordinary matter(1985 Quarks). The interpretation of quarks as physical entities poses two problems. First, sometimes two or three identical quarks have to be in .....

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