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Term Papers on Science

Homosexual Gene
Number of words: 369 - Number of pages: 2

.... and religiously charged: skin color, sex. Some traits are not politically and religiously charged: the hardness of the enamel on your teeth, which is controlled by a single gene, whose location is known, and who’s function we do understand. Now scientists are attempting to find proof if the infamous “gay gene”. For years, the gay community has been trying to prove that they were “born gay” and that their lifestyle was not choice. The news media has a ridiculous double standard for the trait "sexual orientation" and every other trait. ABC's science jour .....

Number of words: 795 - Number of pages: 3

.... true. Loggers have said that new trees pull the carbon dioxide better than old trees, and this may seem true, but it is not. There is one point being overlooked from all of this. The older, larger trees can store much, much more carbon dioxide than a new tree could. By cutting and burning these magnificent seasoned trees, the CO2 is being released back into the atmosphere. These releases of carbon dioxide add up in our surroundings, only to intensify Global Warming. Although this shows what happens when one burns and cuts down old forests, one must still .....

Biome Broadcast
Number of words: 969 - Number of pages: 4

.... our gear out of the car and walked over to the trails. We had to decide what trail to take. We had three choices the first trail was half a mile long, the second trail was two miles long, and the third trail was four miles long. Since it was such a beautiful day we all decided to take the third trail that was four miles long. We started hiking around 11:00 AM. While we were hiking we heard wings flapping, we all turned and saw a robin fly towards the ground, pick up a worm, and feed it to her babies. Everyone thought that it was cute. After, we watched t .....

The Importance Of The Ozone Layer
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3

.... it the atmosphere. When and oxygen atom from the ozone reacts with a chloride ion from chlorine monoxide, the ozone molecule is destroyed. So chlorine monoxide is an ozone destroyer. There is always a certain amount of chlorine monoxide in the atmosphere. It is important to remember that ozone is constantly being created and destroyed in the atmosphere. The amount of ozone in the atmosphere is based on these reactions. There are many factors that influence the amount of reactions like season, latitude, and solar cycle. Because of these factors ozone can v .....

Mechanical Energy
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2

.... our bodies can store until we need this energy to use our muscles. When we do use our muscles within us, we may not always be sure that heat is given off. Our bodies do not burst into flames but the perspiration on our skin is a clue to what is happening. The movement of the windsurfer has a different explanation. The windsurfer is propelled along by a sail which collects mechanical energy from the winds that sweep along the water. This energy has been produced by the sun which warms the earth's surface and sets the air above in motion. The sun's heat .....

Air Pollution 2
Number of words: 951 - Number of pages: 4

.... are caused by the combustion of oil and petrol and it effects the environment with carcinogen. Carcinogen is a chemical agent that causes cancer. Sulphur dioxide is certainly one of the major atmospheric pollutants considered that it causes stinging eyes, lung damage, asthma, and acid rain. It is the result of coal-fired power stations. Nitrogen oxides that is produced by the exhaust of cars, causes pneumonia and asphyxia. The outcome of the well known dust particles is often underestimated. It is caused by industrial chimneys, car exhaust, and volcanic eruption .....

Changes In The Atmosphere Causing Multicellularity
Number of words: 471 - Number of pages: 2

.... of DNA with histone proteins and its organization into a number off distinct chromosomes, and complex organelles, among which are chloroplasts and mitochondria. Scientists believe that eukaryotic organisms such as the protists evolved from the prokaryotes. There are two main theories which describe how this transition may have occurred. The first is the endosymbiotic theory, or enosymbiosis, and the other is the autogenous theory, or autogenisis. These two theories are not mutually exclusive, meaning one or the other could account for different parts of euk .....

Did Duhem Show That Scientific Theories Can Be Neither True
Number of words: 1840 - Number of pages: 7

.... (which we can equate to 'scientific') theory. The first being that it is an explanation of the reality lying behind a group of experimental laws (those that are empirically determined). The second is that a physical theory is simply an abstract system to classify and summarize a group of laws. Taking the first possibility (a belief still held by many today): this seeks to look beneath the sensible appearances and find the reality beneath, which is causing the sensations we experience. However, this presents us with a problem. We only have access to perceptions s .....

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