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Term Papers on Science

Digital Television
Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3

.... the picture or screen resolution. The digital TV signal can carry as many as 19.4 megabits of data, which means a broadcaster can mix multiple programs of varying bit sizes onto a single channel. Say you’re watching a football game, since one camera view only uses up so many bits, you can select a different camera angle while watching the same game on the same channel. It is possible for a network, like NBC, to show two different programs at the same time on the same channel. Conceivably, if the president in on, you can watch regular scheduled programming .....

Revolutionary QM212
Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2

.... binding sight. They discovered where to put this slot by simulating the antibody on a large computer. The resulting product revealed an anti-fluorescein antibody which binds to metal ions. After physically inserting the genetic code in to E. coli. bacteria, the researchers had a large batch of a new compound which they named QM212. When copper was added to this new batch, it binded with the metal-ion binding sight, decreasing the fluorescent emissions. Applications: The human immune system already uses similar antibodies for similar tasks. Natu .....

A Brief History Of Clocks: From Thales To Ptolemy
Number of words: 4266 - Number of pages: 16

.... heavens. By integrating stereography with the Clepsydra and the celestial sphere, humanity was capable of creating more practical and accurate devices for measuring time—the anaphoric clock and the astrolabe. Although Ptolemy was familiar with both the anaphoric clock and the astrolabe, I believe that the development of the anaphoric clock preceded the development of the astrolabe. The earliest example, in western culture, of a celestial sphere is attributed to the presocratic philosopher Thales. Unfortunately, little is known about Thales’ sphere beyond Cicero .....

Animal Captivity
Number of words: 1581 - Number of pages: 6

.... amazing or need our help. There are also stories about animals that are used in good and bad experiments. When you hear about the treatment of some animals for research, you feel like forgetting about research. One such story was in 1988, three gray whales got stuck in freezing waters in Alaska, the whales were at risk of drowning because the holes in the ice that they were using to breathe were slowly freezing over. a large rescue was put together that ended up involving the National Guard and the U.S. and Soviet governments to get the whales free (Luke 87) .....

Number of words: 286 - Number of pages: 2

.... e/m identical to those particles irrespective of the metal the electrodes were made of or the kind of gas in the tube. In 1909, RA Millikan, an American scientist, measured that charge. All electrons are found to be identical no matter their source or the method of liberating them from matter. From the values of e/m, and e, the mass of an electron was calculated to be .00055 amu. PROTON- Eugeen Goldstein used a Crookes tube with holes in the cathode, and observed that another kind of ray was emitted from the anode and passed through the holes. He discovered this in 1886. In 1889, William Wien showed .....

Genetically Altered Foods
Number of words: 528 - Number of pages: 2

.... use or such herbicides (Nature 559). " A lot of concern has come from one certain crop and that is maize, which was altered to an extent. The development was done by a company known to be Swiss, called "Ciba-Geiby". That which was debated dealt with the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) stating that "A gene resistant to the antibiotic ampicillin used in an early stage of the developmental process, could theoretically be passed to man via bacteria lodged in the gut of animals which eat the maize unprocessed (559)". In response to this .....

Jaguars 2
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5

.... the cubs are blind and weigh from 25-32 ozs. At two weeks, once their eyes open, They can begin to explore outside of the den. At one month the cubs go go outside the den and follow their mother around. When six months comes and the cubs have learned how to do things the way their mother does, they begin to hunt with their mother. At one year the cubs can now hunt for their own food. Even though they can hunt for their own food they still stay with their mother for a few years before finding their own hunting territory. By three years the cubs have lea .....

Flesh-eating Bacteria
Number of words: 1749 - Number of pages: 7

.... resistant to the drug. As we used more and more of the antibiotics, we incidentally caused drug-resistant germs to progress. So, even if you’ve never misused antibiotics, you could still become infected by bacterium most drugs won’t kill. For each drug, there are germs genetically programmed to survive- some w/ outer walls tough for antibiotic to cross, others with ways to dump the drugs back out before they can work, and yet others can inactivate the antibiotic. Even worse, by passing tiny packets of genetic material to other bacteria, these sur .....

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