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Term Papers on Science

Lasers 4
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3

.... produces light that is not only of essentially a single frequency but also coherent, with the light waves all moving along in unison. Lasers consist of several components. A few of the many things that the so-called active medium might consist of are, atoms of a gas, molecules in a liquid, and ions in a crystal. Another component consists of some method of introducing energy into the active medium, such as a flash lamp for example. Another component is the pair of mirrors on either side of the active medium which consists of one that transmits some of the radiat .....

Dna Chips And The Pharmaceutical Industry
Number of words: 1693 - Number of pages: 7

.... PROBLEM STATEMENT Currently the pharmaceutical industry is a very high risk industry in which fewer than one in ten promising drug products ever makes it through the testing phase and onto the shelves at the local pharmacy. The effect is that the production of a new drug is almost like a guessing game that may or may not produce any profit. A Company may have a long list of chemicals that could make possible drugs to treat a specific affliction, but by the time they narrow the list down, and do the necessary research and testing, they may have already s .....

Push/pull Theory
Number of words: 906 - Number of pages: 4

.... throughout the entire plant. Proof of root pressure is exhibited through a process called guttation. Through guttation, tiny droplets of water are sometimes forced out of some plants. Guttation only works when soil is almost completely saturated with water and leaves are not losing much water through evaporation. When the xylem is full of water, the molecules will not move back down the structure, but rather need to be expelled from the plant. They will move, by the process of osmosis, to an areas where there is the least amount of pressure. These areas are usua .....

Genetic Cloning ----
Number of words: 1390 - Number of pages: 6

.... blood, by forming antibodies that attach to the endothelium of the blood vessels in the organ. The complement system creates gaps in vessels, allowing gaps to form and clots to accumulate. Therefore, a complement inhibitor was developed as the gene was cloned, introduced into pigs whose cells produced this protein. Another thing discovered, was that the cells lining the pig vessels have a sugar molecules called alpha-galactose, and humans have lots of antibodies against alpha-gal. Some are thinking of knocking out the gene for alpha-gal and replacing it with th .....

Genetically Engineered Foods
Number of words: 2016 - Number of pages: 8

.... which change the structure of DNA in living organisms. Some of these enzymes can cut and join strands of DNA. Using such enzymes, scientists learned to cut specific genes from DNA and to build customized DNA using these genes. They also learned about vectors, strands of DNA like viruses, which can infect a cell and insert themselves into its DNA. Scientists started to build vectors, which incorporated genes of their choosing and used vectors to insert these genes into the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineers believe that they can improve the foods w .....

The Year 2000 Bug
Number of words: 2317 - Number of pages: 9

.... could have cost up to $100,000 to store electronically. This same amount of information storage can now cost around ten cents. Because of this expensive storage limitation code written for these older computers was compressed in any way possible. One way to cut down the size of code was to compress dates to a format only six characters long. So instead of April 14 1999 the date would be compressed to 4/14/99. At the time of this programming this seemed to be the best solution to the space saving dilemma. As we come closer to the millennium we see that t .....

Is There Evidence That Homosexuality Is Biologically Determined?
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4

.... trait being passed down from generation to generation. Experiments conducted led to the possible conclusion that the region Xq28 carries a gene influencing male sexual orientation. However, there are a few flaws to their interpretation of the results. Among them are stated in the article. A replication of the experiment is necessary, the separation of the particular gene has not been achieved, and the importance of the region has not yet been determined. Moreover, the supposed gene that influences homosexuality suggests that it acts indirectly on the choice o .....

Nutrition Vs. Sport Performance
Number of words: 1259 - Number of pages: 5

.... 1.5 mg of thiamin, 1.7 mg of riboflavin, 20 mg of niacin, and 18 mg of iron. Nutritionists of today simplify this into an equation of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 30% protein that the entire day’s meals should be divided into. The total calorie intake must increase for active persons from 2200 to 2200 plus the total number used while exercising. This will ensure replenishment of the body’s system. With the wide variety of athletic competitions, the specific meal a competitor may need to eat to benefit themselves differs widely, as do the e .....

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