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Term Papers on Social Issues

Number of words: 311 - Number of pages: 2

.... the pocket when the manual says to. When you obtain good you should carry yourself as an example to others. Just because you obtain good today doesn’t mean you will automatically have it tomorrow. You have to earn it. You should also look off of and follow those that you think have a good . They probably know what they are doing. They are a good example of what you should try to be like. In closing I say that you should always remember to carry yourself and act in a way that would get you a good bearing. Good bearing is something that you need to try to .....

The Safety Of Using Cell Phones
Number of words: 823 - Number of pages: 3

.... report back ups, and drivers who need to be taken off the road because of being intoxicated or just plain reckless will be located quicker and easier. I do, however, believe that more safety precautions need to be taken for individuals who will be talking on their phones while driving. Phones are being created by Erricson, Motorolla, and Nokia today in which offer a hands-free cell phone so that you can keep both hands on the wheel while driving and talking. Some of these come in the form of headsets and give the user a voice activated sequence, which allows you .....

Argumentative Essay: Should Women Be Allowd To Go Topless In Public
Number of words: 866 - Number of pages: 4

.... impression of that person solely on the person's appearance. This is only natural as the only thing that we know about this stranger is what we see of them the first time we meet. We all are aware of the sayings "Preppy","Jockish","Skater","Sluty" etc. This final saying, “Sluty” is interpreted by 90 percent of North Americans as a tight skirt and tight tank top which happens to be the usual ensemble of a prostitute. This first impression of a girl in nothing but a skirt and a bare chest will no doubt elevate to the new version of a “Slut” and a girl .....

Conformity And Obedience
Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2

.... take and follow orders from authority. Milgram did a study ending in 1976 which involved 1 person operating switches where it administered a shock to a imaginary learner that the subject could not see but could hear and the learner was pairing cards but each time he got one wrong he was administered an electric shock each shock higher than the last reaching a shock high enough to kill the learner. and because milgram was hte one giving the orders to shock the learner he was an authoritive figure and genarally even though the learner knew that the shock would kill .....

Number of words: 1232 - Number of pages: 5

.... is judged by humans. So, if you are immoral, other people will be the ones that notice that you are immoral, and that can hurt personal relationships. One way that I have succeeded throughout my career is by knowing and being friends with a lot of people. The practical side of life is based on interpersonal relationships. Whether it be social or business, communicating with people is the only way to get things done. There is no way that you can go through life in today's society without getting along with people. If people think that you are immoral, t .....

Importance Of Good Self-Esteem
Number of words: 1634 - Number of pages: 6

.... many warnings that could give you an idea as to if you have a low self-esteem. One way you could do this is by asking yourself, “Do I, or anyone I know, act or behave angry, impatient, sarcastic, jealous, violent, cruel, hateful, unfriendly, insensitive, vain, greedy, unethical, rude, phony, paranoid, dishonest, co-dependent, obnoxious, sad, mad, lazy, oversensitive, irresponsible, rebellious, moody, depressed, suicidal, stressed, revengeful, unforgiving, shy, shameful, lustful, selfish, materialistic, or envious?” All of these descriptions could be a start .....

Women And The Fight For Reform
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2

.... hospitals. Her Henry Street Settlement offered a host of vital services for immigrants and the poor. Wald suggested the formation of a Federal Children's Bureau. By the end of the 19th century, many women reformers focused on the need for state laws to restrict child labor. Young children from poor families had to work late hours in mines and mills and were exploited by plant managers. No state laws prevented the children from being overworked or abused. One of the first to challenge the exploitation of orphaned or dependent children was Sop .....

Women As News Anchors
Number of words: 3553 - Number of pages: 13

.... in me, but not quite as much due to the negative and discouraging aspects I have heard about in classes and in the media. I am not sure that I could be happy in a career such as this, and I know there are great difficulties in "making it" in this profession. I have read about the incredible ambition of successful females in television news, and it seems like it takes a special kind of passion to want to keep up in the business. I kept my questions in mind when gathering research material. While focusing on the key questions, I was able to find information .....

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